
Welcome to the official website of Legret Metal Company
Focus on electronic welding for 20 yearsDONGGUAN LEGRET METAL.,LTD
National consultation hotline:135-2799-2739
Contact US
mobile phone: 135-2799-2739
Service hotline: 0769-38893080
Email: lzd@dglzd.com
Address: Dongguan lvzhidao Metal Co., Ltd
Contact person: Manager Zeng
Enterprise culture

Green Island vision:

Become a world-famous solder supply brand

Green Island concept:

Haina, Baichuan, honest and honest

Quality plus service, cooperation acceleration

Mission of Lvzhi Island:

Pursue green technology and lead environmental protection life

Spirit of Green Island:

The material of the object is the best, and the human does his best

Operating standards:

Firm pursuit: pursue goals, rather slow than wrong

Standardized operation: fully authorized and performance appraisal

Win win cooperation: value orientation and benefit sharing

Control criteria:

Centralization, orderly decentralization, authorized with seal and degree of use right

Competency standards:

Service consciousness, responsibility, pursuing actual effect and solving problems

Code of conduct:

Dare to bear, improve, obey the overall situation and cooperate with each other

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